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9 answers from a Camgirl, to questions you would never ask

9 answers from a Camgirl, to questions you would never ask

An anonymous webcam model did a Reddit AMA, where users asked her every question you could/would ever ask a webcam girl (and others you would probably never ask). Here are the most surprising answers:

1. Yes, they work even when they have their monthly periods. This model says she is lucky to have "the shortest and lightest monthly cycle" in the world, so she only chooses to do shows where she doesn't have to take off her underwear during a show.

2. You don't run into someone on the street and say, "Hey, I've seen you naked. Although it's possible, she says, that she's never been recognized on the street. But she says that if she ever will be recognized, she would just ask how hard they came", which is just a good business phrase.

3. They work much less than most people with full-time jobs. When asked how many cam shows she would have to do to cover about 40 hours a week, she said, "If I worked at a rate of 10 euros an hour @ 40 hours a week, this would come to about 4 shows for me."

4. Female cam models get much more money than male cam models (duh). Unless of course you want to make shows for gay men, which many straight male cam models find strange. Probably because those people assumed they would be models for women. Uh, no. Women have enough dick pics already, thanks.

5. Many of their clients are very mean for no reason. The downside to making all that money is that many people can be mean for no reason. I admit it doesn't happen often but what men say to me is probably much worse than what people say to fast food workers.

6. My boyfriends are understanding about my profession. While I've had some exes who weren't totally cool, she says she's dated men who were "incredibly supportive and understanding" from the moment she was honest about what was happening. "I explained," Nobody touches me, I set my boundaries. I will never meet these people. I don't know their names, where they live or what they look like. I only do what I want, when I want, how I want, on my own. I end everything when I feel weird. ''And then they had no problem with it. That's great".

7. No, this is not what they want to do forever. There may be some cam models who want to do this for life, but she says that's not the case with her. She graduated while she was a camgirl and was also accepted into college. Camming helped her pay her bills so she didn't need a loan, but she says, "I realize. I won't stay in my 20s forever. I have to do work, too, where I'll be wearing clothes!"

8. The people you care about know that this is their job. She says a few of her friends know about her job and they are "kind and understanding and have a sense of humor about it." She hasn't told her parents because they are ailing with their health. But they are, I think, liberal enough not to mind, should they find out.

9. When it gets weird, it gets really weird. I've been asked a few times to do really weird things, including, "I've had to say Shakespeare while fingering myself." Fortunately, she sees those moments as "funny uncomfortable." Plus, she says she only does things and what she feels comfortable doing.