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Tips for staying motivated as a CamModel

Like any other business, your camming business will have its difficulties. There will be times when sessions will be excruciatingly slow or when you just don't feel like it. You will have fewer members at private shows, or you will simply spend less money. However, that doesn't mean you stop camming. But it certainly puts you off. Your actions during this period will determine your long-term exceptional success and the duration of this phase.

Develop an attitude: have a thick skin

Your ability to overcome difficult moments depends on your attitude. It is very important that you develop an attitude that allows you to keep going even in difficult situations. Having a thick skin means that you are ready, that you connect and that you take action when you feel like giving up. Strong character is not only needed when you are short of money. There will be times when you get a lot of hate, little appreciation and attention. You must accustom yourself to the fact that hatred and rejection are not personal. These people do not know you, your true personality. This is a business and you have no attachment to the people who watch your programmes and sexual fantasies. Use the 'magic lock button' and move on with a big smile on your face.

Take care of yourself

The energy that gets you through the tough times comes from within. That is the main reason why you should take loving care of yourself. Make sure you eat well, drink water, take long baths, go for relaxing walks or do activities you enjoy. Playing your favourite music helps lift your mood by 69%. Dance as if no one is watching :)Give love to pets, flowers, children, the elderly. Fill your mind and body with positivity. If you feel good about yourself and within yourself, it will be easy to handle challenges while streaming. Your partners will most likely sense your mood when you enter the programme. So work on your mood and emotions. Be professional, get on stage, break the bank and you'll feel fabulous afterwards.

Stick to the schedule

Laziness is the mother of all failures. It's so easy to skip work when no one is looking, because you are your own boss. You'll find that if you keep putting off the things you should be doing today, you'll have too much to do and not enough energy to get on with it. So start doing what you should be doing today as soon as you get the chance. Get connected and make money. The hard part is just the beginning. You'll be surprised how much energy comes with time after you get started.

If getting started is a problem, create a schedule for your activity. Start twice a week for 4 hours, morning and evening. Then, over time, change your schedule and log on 3 times a week. But do this. Don't miss the slots. It's like throwing money away. Be persistent.

Diversify your performances.

If you're experiencing a decline in the number of customers in your venue or in the amounts customers are willing to spend, find something else to excite them. You can add some activities to your shows to pique the audience's interest. You will find that after a while you become an "expert" performer in some shows. But treating your audience to something new is a wonderful way to get them interested in the show.

If diversifying your programming doesn't yield the desired results, try branching out into other services. You could start making and selling some sexy videos or photos, or you could start sending sex messages to your regular clients.

Don't give up if you reach a low point in the camming business. Everyone goes through a bumpy road at some point. Follow our advice and you'll see the tables turn and everything gets back to normal.