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Why Do Some People Prefer Online Chats Over Real-Life?

Online communication has come a long way from real-time communication. This factor is due to the ease of communication on common media such as social messaging and face-to-face and online communication. Almost everyone is constantly on some device, so messages are sent and received without delay. Ease of access is one of the main advantages of online chat over old-fashioned real-life communication.

A survey of 1,000 U.S. teens about their chatting habits has yielded some surprising results. The survey revealed that 61% of teens between the ages of 13 and 17 prefer chatting with friends on their smartphones or social networks than in real life. The study also revealed that 54% of teens prefer to stay on social networks and chat sites instead of communicating with people around them.

Internet addiction

The survey data seems moderate, as most teens seem to communicate with both acquaintances and strangers on the Internet. They are likely to be able to share their thoughts and ideas more easily than in the real world.

SThey can chat face-to-face with people and express their wildest and most unconventional opinions. Here their online friends become their real friends, as their real friends in "real life" are also connected to the Internet. urvey

Reasons to communicate online

There are many reasons why online communication is better than face-to-face communication. Your online friendships are growing rapidly, eclipsing your real life friends. It will be interesting to know what reasons have led to this situation.

A relaxed mindset.

Free communication: in real life, some people are more concerned about being misunderstood in thoughtless conversations, but online chats are a sure thing for them. They don't feel pressured when chatting online. They never think twice before communicating online, unlike in real time, where they don't know what to say and what to hold back.

Uncontrollable facial expressions: some people are very careful with their facial expressions and do not like to communicate in real life because of "eloquent" facial expressions. They feel comfortable chatting online because they can chat randomly with whomever they want.

There is no pressure to chat: often, some people feel intimidated by other chat partners, which prevents them from doing what they would like to do. However, online chat rooms do not exert that pressure.

More time to think: in real life, people may have less time to respond and communicate. Online chat makes it easier to communicate and gives people time to think and respond.

Ease of making friends online: This is the era of chatting through chat sites and other applications. Finding a friend online is not a big deal. However, real friendships have their own problems, which some people find more difficult to deal with. You can also meet people from all over the world, chat with them and make friends online.